maren unlend isis died .. how maren ulend got killed video

Rayan3 يناير 2023
maren unlend isis died .. how maren ulend got killed video
maren unlend isis died .. how maren ulend got killed video

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Maren Uhland Isis video Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg has condemned the “brutal and senseless attack on innocent people” and said she believes the Moroccan authorities will find those responsible.

Oslo: On Monday, the Moroccan ambassador attended the funeral of the Norwegian woman who was murdered last December in Morocco with her Danish friend, where she read messages of sympathy from her countrymen.

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Ambassador Lamia Rady joined the mourners for 28-year-old Maren Oeland, including Norway’s health minister and dozens of students from the University of Southeast Norway, where the two women studied.

The church service was held in the southeastern town of Time.

During the mass, Radi denounced the “barbarism” and “shame” of the killings, and read aloud letters from Moroccans expressing their grief.

“Morocco wanted to be present today to first express its solidarity and share the family’s grief,” she said in an interview with Norwegian TV2 before the ceremony.

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“At the same time, (we want to) make it very clear that we strongly condemn the horrific killing of these innocent girls,” she said.

Moroccan authorities said that Olande was killed along with 24-year-old Danish Louisa Vestrager Jespersen in an “act of terrorism”.

They were attacked while camping overnight December 16-17 at an isolated hiking spot in the High Atlas Mountains. Their bodies were found the next day, decapitated.

Moroccan authorities arrested a total of 22 people in connection with the murders.

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Moroccan officials say they include four main suspects and a Spanish-Swiss man who had links to some of the suspects and belonged to an “extremist ideology”.

Morocco’s counter-terrorism chief Abdelhak Khayam told AFP that the main suspects belonged to a cell inspired by ISIS ideology, but none of the four had contacts with ISIS members in Syria or Iraq.

Jespersen’s funeral took place on January 12 in Denmark.

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Maren Oland’s mother, Irene, told public broadcaster NRK that the two studied together at the University of Southeast Norway. Both were apparently experienced in outdoor activities and were well prepared for long walks, which they undertook without a local guide.

Morocco has largely avoided jihadist violence elsewhere in North Africa since the deadly 2003 Casablanca bombings that killed at least 30 people.

The country has enacted tough anti-terrorism legislation to deal with the threat of its citizens returning home after fighting for the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq – after some 1,600 Moroccans joined jihadist groups in 2015.

Jihadists of Moroccan origin have also been implicated in terrorist attacks in recent years in Belgium and France.

As for the presence of jihadists in Morocco, both the Islamic State and its rival al Qaeda have failed to gain a foothold in the country. However, this does not exclude the possibility of attacks by sympathizers or militants who consider it their duty to act.

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